Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Another Successful Community Meal

Seventeen people responded to the call for volunteers for the Poimaino community meal. They made and served lunch, welcomed guests, and managed the 50 cent garage sale on Saturday, April 19.

The following people represented FCC: Julia, Sylvia, Les, Chuck, Kristen, Paul M, Susan, Savanah, Margaret, Kenneth, Jane, Clarence, and German.

Diane, Jim M, Jim A, and Pastor Vicki represented St. Peter. St Peter provides space monthly in their community room.

The volunteers served over 40 meals, and packaged up about 10 half-gallons of soup to take to the Fair Haven Food Pantry.

We'll do it all again on the third Saturday in May. Come join us! We'll cerebrate our two year anniversary in September.

1 comment:

  1. What a great group of folks we have coming together to be the hands and feet of God helping in this way!
