Monday, April 28, 2014

Picnic and Peace Pole Re-dedication!

The Activities Committee will be sponsoring FCC's Annual All-Church Picnic this Sunday, May 4, after the worship service.  The Board of Church in Society (CIS) will also be rededicating the Peace Pole with members of Jewish and Muslim congregations who will also be participating in the picnic following the re-dedication.  

Activities Committee will be providing beef hot dogs and hamburgers, including buns, lettuce, onion, pickles and tomatoes and all the condiments.  

Please contact Jamie S if you plan on coming and bringing a side dish.  

Friday, April 25, 2014

Sunday, April 27,2014

This Sunday is designated at "Counseling Fund Sunday" at First Congregational Church. The purpose is to raise awareness of the Counseling Ministry here at the church. Sylvia Richards has been serving as the Minister of Counseling and Community life for many years and acts as a therapeutic presence for individuals as well as the entire congregation. Many persons from the wider community who would not be able to receive counseling have been aided by Sylvia's sliding scale fees which are made possible by support from the Counseling Fund. We have a very important resource at FCC in our counseling ministry. Let's all be present this Sunday as Sylvia and the entire Counseling Ministry Team lead our worship service. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Refurbishing the Bells

One by one, the bells are getting sponsors!

This picture was taken on Wednesday, and already there are 15 more golden bells to cover up the white ones. Is there a bell up there with your name on it? Would you like  to sponsor a bell? See Dennis for more information.

4/25/14 Update from Dennis:
The Adopt-a-Bell campaign has been very successful so far.  We have collected approximately $2300 toward our goal of $2750.  Thank you to all who have contributed.  We really appreciate your donations.  If you have not yet had a chance to contribute, we will be in the Assembly Room again this Sunday following the 10:00 a.m. service.

Peace Pole Re-Dedication

Ten years ago, First Congregational Church of Houston dedicated the peace pole in the gardens of the church. On May 4, 2014, we will re-dedicate it.

First Congregational Church of Houston would like to invite you to the Peace Pole Re-Dedication Ceremony and the yearly Church Picnic/Potluck to be held on our church grounds on May 4th, 2014 at 11:15 AM following worship. Please join us in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Peace Pole Dedication. Let us all engage in "Promoting Peace and Demoting Violence."

First Congregational Church of Houston, UCC
10840 Beinhorn Rd, Houston, Texas 77024

Worship:         10:00 AM
Re-dedication: 11:15
Picnic potluck: 11:45

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Another Successful Community Meal

Seventeen people responded to the call for volunteers for the Poimaino community meal. They made and served lunch, welcomed guests, and managed the 50 cent garage sale on Saturday, April 19.

The following people represented FCC: Julia, Sylvia, Les, Chuck, Kristen, Paul M, Susan, Savanah, Margaret, Kenneth, Jane, Clarence, and German.

Diane, Jim M, Jim A, and Pastor Vicki represented St. Peter. St Peter provides space monthly in their community room.

The volunteers served over 40 meals, and packaged up about 10 half-gallons of soup to take to the Fair Haven Food Pantry.

We'll do it all again on the third Saturday in May. Come join us! We'll cerebrate our two year anniversary in September.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Schedule

Easter Sunday

8:30 am – Sunrise Service w/Youth
8:30 am – Decibells Rehearsal (MH)
9:00 am – Choir Rehearsal (MH)
9:00 am – Easter Breakfast (A/R)
10:00 am – Worship Service – The Sacrament of Holy Communion
11:00 am – Coffee, Tea, and Conversation (A/R)
11:15 am – Egg Hunt (Playground)
11:30 am – Cancelled--Christian Education Classes for All Ages

Volunteers Needed for Poimaino Meal - April 19th

Since this is Easter weekend, a number of our usual volunteers are traveling and unavailable.  So we’re a bit short-handed right now.  If you can break away Saturday morning to help out with the Poimaino meal, it will be much appreciated. 

Our next Poimaino meal is Saturday, April 19th , which is the third Saturday of the month. 
 We will be having our winter menu of soup, so cooks are to arrive at 9:00am, set up will start at 10:30am, and “minglers” are to arrive by 11:00am.  The meal will be served at 12:00 noon with a concurrent 50-cent garage sale.  Donations for the garage sale can be brought with you Saturday morning. The garage sale has been a big draw for us, so bring what you can.

Here are the details.

What:            Poimaino Community Meal

When:          Saturday, April 19th, 9:00am – 2:00pm

Where:         St. Peter UCC, 9022 Long Point Rd

Who:             Volunteers needed for cooking, set-up, garage sale, cleaning and mingling with our guests

Those who want to bring food might consider cornbread or another type of bread.



Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Walk the Lenten Labyrinth on Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On Wednesday, April 9, at 7:00 pm., you are invited to walk a labyrinth in the FCC Assembly Room. 
A labyrinth is a maze with the same entrance and exit.  While walking, you will be invited to pray, meditate, and reflect.  It is a wonderful way to leave your burdens at the center and walk away clean.  We hope that this will be a refreshing way to walk along your Lenten journey. 
Photo: Walk the Lenten Labyrinth

 April 2 at 7 p.m.

On Wednesday, April 2, at 7:00 pm., you are invited to walk a labyrinth in the FCC Assembly Room.  

A labyrinth is a maze with the same entrance and exit.  While walking, you will be invited to pray, meditate, and reflect.  It is a wonderful way to leave your burdens at the center and walk away clean.  
We hope that this will be a refreshing way to walk along your Lenten journey.  
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First Congregational Church
10840 Beinhorn Rd, Houston, TX 77024
(713) 468-9543