Friday, July 12, 2013

Sunday July 17, 2013

This Sunday's Service

"Love, love, love" the Beatles sang, and almost every other song writer in history. We talk about love a lot, but do we really know what we are talking about? How often do we really think about "love" in a rational sense? The motto of FCC is, "where heart and mind meet." How do we, as Christians, go about exercising the intentional love that Jesus' life and ministry were all about? The purpose of FCC is "to fulfill God's vision of love for all people." How do we carry that out as a congregation and in our own lives? The sermon title is "God's Vision of Love Within Us." The Adult Sunday School class will also delve into this topic following Coffee, Tea, and Conversation starting at 11:30 a.m.
This Sunday special guest singers Julia Boldt Swindle, Jeff Newton, and Michael Salinas will join Interim Choir Director KeiCee Newton to sing two gospel pieces, I Will Lift My Weary Eyes and You Better Get on Board. Both of these songs were written by local composer and choir director at Northwoods Presbyterian Church, Kinley Lange. Guest pianist, Janice Fehlauer, will play Bist Du bei mir by Johann Sebastian Bach and Trumpet Voluntary by Jeremiah Clarke. Our congregational hymns will be They Asked, "Who's My Neighbor" (NEIGHBOR); O Lord, Almighty God, Thy Works (YORK); and Let Justice Flow Like Streams (ST. THOMAS).


  1. I enjoyed the Adult Christian Education SpiritQuest class led by Dr. Sylvia and Rev. Ken. The topic of the class was the meaning of Love in a Christian sense. Sylvia started by passing out cards for us to write on. She commented that the philosopher Descartes is famous for the phrase "I think therefore I am". The cards that she passed out had:
    I think therefore I ____________
    I feel therefore I ______________
    I Love therefore I _______________
    We completed the phrases and went around the room sharing our responses and why we responded the way that we did. My responses were:
    I think therefore I over-analyze everything.
    I feel therefore I am saddened when I read/see/hear the news.
    I love therefore I am still listening for God to speak to me. I should have added (sometimes) I doubt therefore I might not be here (I think therefore I am :-) ). I might be on a diagonal line between parallel dimensions, travelling from point A to point B, hoping that when I reach point B, I don't meet someone with horns and a tail holding a pitchfork. Being at First Congregational has taught me that God is Love and the Fire and Brimstone stuff is for people that want God to be judgmental. Time will tell. The Great Mystery.
    Paul Byrd

  2. I enjoyed that class too. It was interesting to see the wide range of answers.
