Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Sunday

This Sunday is Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. We will here the familiar account of Mary at the tomb, meeting Jesus and mistaking him for the gardener, and finally realizing that she has met the risen Christ. It's an uplifting story that signals God's attempt to lead humanity into a new way of living. In the long run, it doesn't matter if we have been to the empty tomb if we refuse to see the new life that God is giving to us every day. Easter is the call to begin again in a new way with a new purpose. Christ has risen; we have risen! Hallelujah!

This Easter Sunday we will have music from both the Decibells and the Meeting House Choir. The Decibells will play Bell Fanfare by David Burton Brown for our introit. Then, they will join the Meeting House Choir in On the Third Day by Allen Pote. The choir will also sing Empty Now by Joseph Martin. Organist Gavin D. Craig will play Christ is erstanden, BWV 627 by J.S. Bach and Final from Symphonie I, Opus 14 by Louis Vierne. Our congregational hymns will be Christ the Lord is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN), Now the Green Blade Riseth (NOËL NOUVELET), and Thine is the Glory (JUDAS MACCABEUS).

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

On Sunday, Easter morning, our youth will guide us through an 8:00 a.m. service which focuses on the question, "what Easter means to me."

  • Following the youth-led service, the Activities Committee will host an Easter Breakfast beginning at 8:30 a.m.
  • Our regular Easter worship will be at 10:00 a.m. with the celebration of Holy Communion.
  • Following the worship service, all the children are invited to take part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

We hope all the children will find a big basket full of eggs, but we hope you will come away from Resurrection Sunday with something more!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Sunday's Service

This Sunday is known as Palm Sunday. It is the day we celebrate Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem at the beginning of the celebration of Passover. As we know, the shouts of "Hosanna" were soon drowned out by shouts of "crucify him." How do we go from joy to sorrow and then back to joy? I guess the answer would be scriptural: "for people it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." We celebrate the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, but then we follow the events of the upcoming week, all the way through Good Friday. Come and meditate on the God with whom all things are possible, and prepare for the rebirth of Easter.
This Palm Sunday we will have a wonderfully music filled service. We will begin with a prelude from organist Gavin D. Craig, O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, BWV 656 by J.S. Bach. Our children's choirs (Joyful Noise and JNITs - Joyful Noise In Training), led by Anne Amador and Elizabeth Hale, will sing Hosanna to the Lord by Becki Slagle Mayo. The Meeting House Choir will also be singing. Their selections are Procession and Hymn for Palm Sunday setting by Craig Courtney, and When Jesus Wept arranged by Linda Spevacek. The congregation will get to sing a wide variety of hymns this week: All Glory Laud and Honor (ST. THEODULPH), Christ at the Table with His Friends (MAUNDY THURSDAY), Go to Dark Gethsemane (REDHEAD NO. 76), Ah Holy Jesus (HERZLIEBSTER JESU), O Sacred Head Now Wounded (PASSION CHORALE), and What Wondrous Love is This (WONDROUS LOVE). Gavin will complete our musical offerings with the postlude Improvisation on Hosanna Filio David.

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Sunday's Service

What does Mary anointing Jesus with oil have to do with Paul's proclamation that "I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ?" We usually remember Mary's act of devotion, but try to forget some of the misunderstood statements of Paul. However, the words of Paul can sometimes lend a much deeper understanding of life and how we are called to live in it, if we allow our understanding and imagine to be stretched beyond our comfortable levels. The sermon title for this Sunday is "Anointed for Living."
The Meeting House Choir will sing A Gaelic Blessing by John Rutter, When the Lord Restored Zion by Dave & Jean Perry, and Kyrie by Sonja Poorman. Organist Gavin D. Craig will play Arioso on "Breastplate of St. Patrick" by Richard Proulx and Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 by Johann Sebastian Bach. Our congregational hymns will be Said Judas to Mary (JUDAS AND MARY),We Yearn, O Christ, for Wholeness (PASSION CHORALE), and Give Up Your Anxious Pains (ICH HALTE TREULICH STILL).

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 10, 2013

This Sunday's Service


In the reading from the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) this Sunday, Joshua is preparing the Israelite people for their entry into the promised land after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Joshua tells the people that God is preparing them for a new start in the land of Canaan. In order to do this, the people must renew their covenant with God. This puts behind the past of slavery in Egypt and the transgressions of the wilderness and sets before them the new beginning that God has prepared. In every generation we are called upon to renew our commitment to seeking God's presence in our lives and working together to advance the reality of God's love among people. It's a tall challenge, but when we covenant to work together, the task can become a work of joy. The sermon title is, "All Alone in the Midst of a Crowd."
The Meeting House Choir will sing Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord by Hal H. Hopson, and My Song is Love Unknown by Edwin T. Childs. Our congregational hymns will be It Was God Who Ran to Greet Him (WILBUR), Softly and Tenderly (THOMPSON), and All My Hope on God is Founded (MEINE HOFFNUNG).

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Sunday's Service


This third Sunday of Lent we welcome Rev. Rita Wilbur as our guest preacher. Rita grew up in FCC and is currently the Houston Association Minister. She will be sharing some of her thought on the doctrine of the Atonement, and how it influences our perceived relationship with God.
The Meeting House Choir will sing As Pants the Hart by Dr. Samuel Arnold and A Rose Touched by the Sun's Warm Rays by Jean Berger. Organist Gavin D. Craig will play Attende Domine* by Jeanne Demessieux, Wenn wir in Höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641 by Johann Sebastian Bach, and Fughetta in C minor, op. 123a, no. 2 by Joseph Rheinberger. Our congregational hymns will be Come to Tend God's Garden (King's Weston), Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (CWM Rhondda), and O Jesus I Have Promised (Angel's Story).