Friday, June 21, 2013

Pride Parade

Pride Festival

Next Saturday ~ June 29 ~ 1-7 PM

FCC is joining with three other ONA (Open and Affirming Congregations) to host a booth at the annual Pride Festival from 1-7 p.m. on June 29. Our message is that UCC is a welcoming place. "We are a people of Extravagant Welcome," reads the card that we will hand out to festival goers, along with cool cloths to wipe their faces and colorful beads to wear.

The other host congregations are Bethel UCC, Grace UCC, and Plymouth United Church UCC. FCC's Church in Society Board (CIS) is coordinating our church's participation in this event.

FCC Play Date

Next FCC Play Date

Monday ~ June 24

Greetings Parents and Friends of FCC! If you are looking for something to do with your kiddos this Summer, then you are in luck!

Every Monday until school starts in August, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., parents and kiddos will be gathering at FCC to let our kids play on the playground and enjoy some games in the Assembly Room. Parents will need to bring a lunch for themselves and their kiddos if you want to eat. Plenty of water is encouraged as well. This is a great chance to get our kids together, but also to hang out with other parents! Contact Rev. Katelin Warren at with questions.

Our next play date will be on Monday, June 24th. Hope to see you there!!

Sunday, June 23,2013

This Sunday's Service


"As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God?" Psalm 42:1-2.
These opening words from Psalm 42 describe a deep longing within each one of us. We search for something beyond our everyday lives; something beyond that which we can explain or control. We call this desire by many names, but in Christianity we often say it is the sacred or the spiritual. The Christian church has been many things over the years but whenever it loses that sense of the Spirit, it usually loses its ability to affect people's lives. Our worship this Sunday addresses one of the four core values of FCC, the essence of the Spirit of God that we seek to know in our lives. During Adult Sunday School time, we will get together to discuss this topic further. How can FCC convey this sense of the Spirit to the world around us?
This Sunday the Summer Choir will sing Come All Who Thirst by Luigi Cherubini. Guest organist Mi Wha (Michelle) Choi will play Suite du ze ton (basse de cromorne) by Louis-Nucolas Cle'rambault, Prelude BWV 539 by Johann Sebastian Bach, and Sonata No. 5 in D major, Opus 65 Movement 1. Andante by Felix Mendelssohn. Our congregational hymns will be As Longs the Deer (O WALY WALY); Come, Living God, When Least Expected (RENDEZ À DIEU); and Many Are the Lightbeams (LAGORNA ÄR MANGA).

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

We welcome Darnell Fennell, our guest preacher this Sunday. Darnell is a member of First Congregational Church and has just completed his second year at Pacific School of Religion, working toward a Master of Divinity degree. Darnell was recently granted "member in discernment" status by the Houston Association. The title of Darnell's sermon is "I'm Glad Someone Said Something." The scripture reading is Galatians 2:11-21.

This Sunday, LaVerne Meline and Naomi Black will sing Give Ear Unto Me by Benedetto Marcello and In the Garden arranged by Jerry Ray. Guest organist Mi Wha (Michelle) Choi will play Suite du ze ton (duo) and Suite du ze ton (plein jeu) both by Louis-Nicolas Clérambault. Our congregational hymns will be Great God, as We Are Gathering (MORNING SONG) reprinted with permission through #A-710879; O, Worship the King, All Glorious Above (LYONS); and Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name (ELLERS).