This Sunday, The Meeting
House Choir will offer "A Service of Light." This is not the usual Cantata, but
is a special compilation of some different musical pieces put together with
various readings from the Bible, secular writings, and spiritual mystics. The
theme that ties them all together is "light." Light is probably the most
universal symbol for things spiritual in most of the world's religions. Bring a
friend and enjoy a different sort of musical experience.
Please join the Meeting
House Choir & Decibells this Sunday for a special Service of Light. There
will be many varied musical offerings. Organist Gavin D. Craig will play
Berceuse by Franz Liszt. The Decibells will play Comfort Ye by
Margaret Tucker, a piece commissioned in memory of Jeff Harper. They will be
joined by Matt Wilson on cello and Denise Zoch on oboe. The Meeting House Choir
will sing Morning Has Broken arranged by John Rutter, Shine On
Us by Michael W. & Deborah D. Smith, Lux Aeterna by Tom
Porter, and Waitin' for the Light to Shine from Big
River arranged by Mark Brymer. Jeff Newton will be presenting Hari
Om by Randall and Kristen Brooks and I Am the Light of My Soul by
Jeff Newton. The congregational hymns include: O Splendor of God's Glory
Little Light of Mine - vs 1&3 (THIS
JOY), See How the Galaxies Are Always There (NEUFIELD), and The Sun is on the Sea and